Digital forskningsinfrastruktur
Bevillinger til indkøb af registerdata eller adgang til databaser, eller etablering af databaser eller tekstkorpora.
01.10.2025 - 16:00
Min. 300.000 kr.
cfgrant@carlsbergfoundation.dkFor ansøgere
The Carlsberg Foundation provides support for the procurement or establishment of digital infrastructure; access to databases, establishing text corpora and databases. While the Carlsberg Foundation encourages interdisciplinary research, there must be a strong humanities or social sciences aspect.
The applicant must be a tenured associate professor/senior researcher or professor employed at a Danish research institution.
The exact date on which the applicant took up their position as a tenured associate professor/senior researcher or professor must be clearly stated in the CV. The Carlsberg Foundation reserves the right to request additional documentation.
The minimum amount that can be applied for is DKK 300,000. There is no maximum amount.
It is only possible to apply for funding for access to databases, establishing text corpora and databases.
In the case of establishing databases or similar, it is possible to apply for funding for a research assistant for up to 12 months.
The research assistant must have a master’s or PhD degree.
The work of the research assistant must solely consist of constructing the new infrastructure, not maintaining or running existing infrastructure. However, salary for data managers, technology developers and similar cannot be covered by this grant.
CALL CLOSED Call opens: 30 June 2025 Deadline: 1 October 2025, 16:00
Assessment & process
The earliest start date is 1 January, and the latest start date is 1 September.
Yes, shortly after you have submitted your application, you will receive an e-mail with a confirmation that the Carlsberg Foundation has received your application.
You will be able to view your application as a complete PDF file in CF-Grant.
Applicants can edit the application until the application deadline.
Yes, you are allowed limited use of AI and LLMs to assist in writing your grant application. However, please be aware that you are fully responsible for all content in your application. As always, it is crucial to review and ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of any AI-generated text. We follow the fast development in the area and will update our policies accordingly.
To build ones’ corpus is used within the humanities, and it refers to building a text corpus (a collection of mechanically readable texts, serving a specific purpose).
If the administrator is a state institution, VAT should not be included in the budget.
No. However, the Carlsberg Foundation will only in rare cases support applications exceeding approximately DKK 5 million. We refer to the list of what we have funded previously for examples.
Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the guidelines.
The Carlsberg Foundation cannot offer individual guidance on projects or elements of projects before the application deadline.
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