Types of grants

Read about our different types of grants.



The Carlsberg Foundation’s charter is the legal and strategic basis for all of its philanthropic activities. In other words, all grants must support the objects set out in the charter.

In the Carlsberg Foundation we operate with three different types of grants.

Grants in open competition

Most of the Carlsberg Foundation’s grants are awarded on the basis of applications submitted in response to our open calls. These calls are aimed primarily at Danish research institutions.

The instruments listed in the calls are offered for independent basic research, as we believe that the best and most relevant research ideas come from the researchers themselves. The foundation also offers open calls for research infrastructure and science communication.

Grants under the Carlsberg Foundation’s calls are awarded in open competition.

Strategic grants

The Carlsberg Foundation supports one-off or recurring grants for projects and initiatives that are of particular interest to the foundation and are a good fit for the foundation’s focus areas.

The themes for strategic grants are decided by the board of the foundation or stem from prior dialogue with other public or private institutions, including other research-funding foundations. Strategic grants are awarded following applications and realised by the recipient in dialogue or partnership with the Carlsberg Foundation.

Example of a strategic grant:

Other grants under the charter

The Carlsberg Foundation’s charter also requires us to provide funding for the Carlsberg Research Laboratory, the Tuborg Foundation and Frederiksborg • Museum of National History. Funding for the Carlsberg Research Laboratory and the Tuborg Foundation is provided at a fixed percentage of our total grants set out in the Charter, while Frederiksborg • Museum of National History is awarded funding on the basis of a budget.  

Finally, the charter requires the Carlsberg Foundation to support the operation and development of the Royal Danish Society of Sciences and Letters through an annual framework grant.