Processing procedures Semper Ardens

Processing procedures for applications to Semper Ardens Advance, Semper Ardens Accomplish and Semper Ardens Accelerate.



After submission of the application, a receipt will automatically be sent by email to the applicant confirming that the Carlsberg Foundation has received the application. 

Applicants can edit the application until the application deadline.

The application will be available as one PDF file in the application system CF-Grant.

Processing of applications


  • All applications are treated confidentially
  • Applications are reviewed by the foundation secretariat for compliance with the general and specific requirements
  • Failure to comply with the general and specific requirements will result in an administrative rejection of the application

Stage I

Applications for the Semper Ardens funding instruments are assessed by three high-level international external reviewers within the broad scientific area(s) for external peer review according to criteria set by the Board of the Carlsberg Foundation.

The reviewers will provide an overall conclusion of the main strengths and weaknesses of the application. The peer reviews will be treated in confidentiality by the board and will serve as an important input to the board's decision. 

Applications are subsequently assessed by the Board of the Carlsberg Foundation.

Stage II

Applications for Semper Ardens Advance with the highest-ranking proposals will receive an invitation for an interview on Friday 29 November 2024. 

The Semper Ardens Advance interviews are scheduled to take place on Thursday 5 December and Friday 6 December 2024, at the Carlsberg Foundation, H. C. Andersens Boulevard 35, 1553 Copenhagen V.

The interview language will be English.

In the case of a PI team, the entire team must be physically present at the interview. It is not possible to participate by Teams or Zoom.

The Board of the Carlsberg Foundation makes the final decision on all applications.

All applicants will receive the board’s decision in the form of either a grant letter or a rejection letter by mid-December.