Semper Ardens Accomplish
Five-year grants for recently tenured internationally recognised professors to pursue innovative and ambitious research projects.
01.10.2025 - 16:00
Every other year
DKK 10 - 13 million
cfgrant@carlsbergfoundation.dkFor applicants
Semper Ardens Accomplish grants are five-year grants to support innovative and ambitious research projects. Projects that venture into new scientific territory will be prioritised.
The applicant must be a recently tenured internationally recognised professor, employed at a Danish research institution who has been appointed for a maximum of four years at the date of the application deadline.
The exact date on which the applicant took up their position as a tenured professor, irrespective of the country, must be clearly stated in the CV and declaration of support from the host institution. The Carlsberg Foundation reserves the right to request additional documentation.
Any periods of leave will be accepted as extensions of this time limit (parental leave, family care leave, illness, military service, etc.).
The foundation expects the applicant to dedicate at least 50% of their research time to the project.
For this reason, it is not deemed possible to hold similar “career” grants, if the applicant at the time of the application deadline is in the first half of the grant period.
If the applicant holds such a career grant from another source and is in the second half of the grant period, the applicant must account for the time commitment for the different projects in the project description.
The total amount applied for must be within a budget of DKK 10-13 million.
Grants for this instrument are given as a framework grant and may be used to cover expenses that are relevant and necessary for completing the activity.
The following running costs may be applied for:
- Consumables
- Equipment
- Travel, research stays, inviting researchers, conferences, research leadership courses or similar
The budget may include the following salary items:
- Salaries for postdoctoral fellows
- Salaries and tuition fees for PhD students (enrolment of the PhD students at a Danish PhD graduate school is required)
- Salary for a research assistant for a limited time period
- Salary for a project coordinator for up to 12 months during the project period
CALL CLOSED Call opens: 30 June 2025 Deadline: 1 October 2025, 16:00
- Application requirements
- Project description
- Budget
- Curriculum vitae
- List of publications of the applicant
- Description of the research group and its organisation and national/international networks
- Declaration of support from the host institution
- If relevant: Quotes for infrastructure, such as equipment and register data
- Popularised scientific description
Assessment & process
The earliest start date is 1 January, and the latest start date is 1 September.
Yes, shortly after you have submitted your application, you will receive an e-mail with a confirmation that the Carlsberg Foundation has received your application.
You will be able to view your application as a complete PDF file in CF-Grant.
Applicants can edit the application until the application deadline.
Yes, you are allowed limited use of AI and LLMs to assist in writing your grant application. However, please be aware that you are fully responsible for all content in your application. As always, it is crucial to review and ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of any AI-generated text. We follow the fast development in the area and will update our policies accordingly.
Applicants in tenured positions, financed by external funding will not be eligible to apply. The applicant must be in a tenured position at a Danish research institution.
No, the applicant must be full professor to be qualified to apply.
No, the period as Professor MSO should not be included in the calculation.
Career grants may include, but are not limited to, the following types of grants: Lundbeck Foundation Ascending Investigator, Lundbeck Foundation Investigator, ERC Starting or Consolidator or Advanced grant, Villum Young Investigator or Investigator, DFF Sapere Aude, NNF Emerging or Ascending Investigator or Investigator.
If you have been on parental leave after taking up your position as professor, the actual number of weeks of leave, multiplied by 2, can be deducted from your professor age. However, the maximum number of weeks that can be deducted is 52 weeks times two per period of leave in connection with childbirth.
Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the guidelines.
The Carlsberg Foundation cannot offer individual guidance on projects or elements of projects before the application deadline.
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